Here you can download some publications that are citable. The exact citation can be taken from the list of publications. These and several other publications can also be found on
If a German and an English version is provided, usually only one of the two versions has been published, the other is an unpublished translation. Other PDFs that can be found under the category ‚blog‚ are web-only texts, i.e. they are written for the web.
- Montepulciano Journal – The Poetics of Making (german)
- In the Making – An Investigation into Creation in Art, Design, Architecture and Technology (english)
- Oltre i diritti umani. Sull’inseparabilità di tecnologia, ambiente e diritti umani (italian) (german)
- The 18th Camel and The Habitats of Thought. On the Paradox of Teaching Technology in the Arts (english) (german)
- PHYSO_011 »FUSILLI« – Einige Gedanken zu Christian Doellers CYTTER.datalab (german)
- Reenacting Poiesis – More Anarchy in Technology! (english) (german)
- Algorithms rethought – on the fictional potential of software (english) (german)
- Cybernetics and Fiction (english)
- Code Art – Interview conducted by Adriana Mikolaskova Nautsch (german)
- The Wealth of the Concrete on the Skeleton of the Formal (english) (german)
- Biointegrierte Materialien, Artefakte und Prozesse (german)
- Das vermessene Leben (german)
- Der Blick der Drohne (german)
- The synthesis of machine and biology (english) (german)
- Über das Warten beim Rechnen (german)
- Die sizilianischen Förster (german)
- Exkursionen ins Undingliche – Code and Material (german)
- Code and Material (english)
- Everyday Algorithms (english) (german)
- Code and Machine (english) (german)
- Unort-Kataster (english)
- Architekturen maschineller Selbstreproduktion (german)
- CodeArt – Eine elementare Einführung in die Programmierung als künstlerische Praktik (german)
- Computing in Russia (english)
- Innere Zustände (german)