Theorieseminar, Hauptstudium + postgraduales Studium
Donnerstags 11.00 – 13.00 Uhr| Start 11.04.2024
Filzengraben 8 – 10, 0.2 [ ] ground zero

Theorieseminar, Hauptstudium + postgraduales Studium
Donnerstags 11.00 – 13.00 Uhr| Start 11.04.2024
Filzengraben 8 – 10, 0.2 [ ] ground zero
Workshop for PHD candidates in Experimental Informatics
03 – 16 July 2022
Palazzo Ricci, the European Academy for Music and Performing Arts in Montepulciano, Italy, Italy
At its core, this involves leaving the safety of the controlled, laboratory-based environment and moving research into the „wild,“ i.e., real life. Today’s technological conditionality
Art + AI Georg TrogemannFachseminar and workshop in Ramberg, PfalzSummer semester 2019Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Filzengraben 8-10, Experimental Informatics This seminar is especially intended
Introduction to artificial intelligence programming Georg Trogemann, Christian Heck.Basic seminar Category Material | Sculpture | Code.Winter semester 2018/19, Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Filzengraben 8-10,
Cyborgs, simplified Karin Lingnau, Georg Trogemann,Basic seminar material/sculpture/code basic studiesWednesday weekly 11:00-13:00; first date 18.10.2017.Filzengraben 8-10, 0.2 Experimental Computer Science „A cyborg is a cybernetic
art’s birthday bunker party Teachers and students of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) present in collaboration with the team kunstgäste and Kulturbunker Mülheim
I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of twenty pounds Project “Bank” Academy of the Fine Arts Münster. Class Suchan KinoshitaProject: Kunst
Faith Machines University Münster and Palazzo Ricci, Montepulciano, Italy. Art | Machine | ArtAnnual project of the art and music academies NRW.Pre-Conference on June 13,
Code and Material Basic Seminar (Grundlagenseminar) in the Category »Material/Skulptur/Code«. This seminar has been held over several years. It always slightly chances its focus and
Geometry Geometry and the interplay of thought with the measurable, the abstract with the concrete. Compact seminar together with Peter Bexte, Gabriele Gramelsberger and Karin
Technics & Society From July 5 to 8, 2013, we held a Neocybernetics Workshop in Nago-Torbole on Lake Garda in northern Italy. The workshop was
Walking robot with only two motors Nets Georg Trogemann, Christian Faubel, Clemens Kujawski, David Hahlbrock. Basic seminar in SS 2013.Wednesdays, 16 – 18 hFilzengraben 8
Action Spaces – Architectures for Humans, Animals and Machines Seminar held by Georg Trogemann and Lasse Scherffig in the summer semester 2012. Combined with a
The Way Things Go Georg Trogemann, Lasse Scherffig, WS 2011/12 The film by Fischli/Weiss is the model for this year’s basic seminar Code and Material.
Posthuman – Technics & Life Theory seminar in the summer semester 2012 together with Marie-Luise Angerer. With Norbert Wiener’s Cybernetics or Control and Communication in
(Foto: Echo Ho, Lasse Scherffig, Yacht Kaiserstuhl) Heavy Matter (ISEA Ruhr 2010) From April 2009 – August 2010 Over a period of three semesters several
Chance and Determinism Seminar by Georg Trogemann and Lasse Scherffig SS 2009, Workshop June 11 – 20 in Motovun, Croatia Combined with a workshop that