Theorieseminar, Hauptstudium + postgraduales Studium
Donnerstags 11.00 – 13.00 Uhr| Start 11.04.2024
Filzengraben 8 – 10, 0.2 [ ] ground zero

Theorieseminar, Hauptstudium + postgraduales Studium
Donnerstags 11.00 – 13.00 Uhr| Start 11.04.2024
Filzengraben 8 – 10, 0.2 [ ] ground zero
Discussion on „Artificial intelligence and culture“.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024, 8 pm, KunstSalon
Brühler Str. 11-13, 50968 Cologne
Anhörungen des Ausschusses für Kultur und Medien.
Hearings of the Committee on Culture and the Media.
In the group exhibition Ephemeral Connections, the department of Experimental Computer Science at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne attempts to reveal the unstable, volatile structures of transformation processes in the media, to intervene and to develop counter-strategies.
PHYSO_011 „Fusilli“Georg Trogemann Some thoughts on Christian Doeller’s CYTTER.datalab (pdf) „How do machines see the world? In his artistic research project CYTTER, Christian Doeller deals
Our conversation (Ursula Damm and me, moderated by Luz Mar González-Arias) was linked to the artificial intelligence work Membrane, made by Ursula Damm and currently
The aesthetics of cognition and communication deals with the general principles of cognitive entities, be they organisms or machines. The goal is to experimentally explore the basic ingredients of cognition and communication and to open them to speculation and unrealized possibilities of cognitive systems. Using experiments and new forms of representation, symbolic media, AI programming, mathematics, and natural languages can be explored as extensions of the mind.
By: Georg Trogemann, Christian Heck, Mattis Kuhn The article by Dieter Mersch criticizes recent art projects that are produced by AI algorithms, i.e. that use
The Salon Digital presents its publication Vol. 1 with readings (22. – 26.06.2020) On 24.06., 8 pm Georg Trogemann reads from: The Urigin of UR –
Talk: Das Enden und Verenden von Algorithmen Symposium: Paradoxien des Finalen. When is something considered „finished“ at all? A symposium with teachers and guests of
Lecture by Georg Trogemann on Computability November 11, 2019, Auditorium, Am Speicher XI 8, 28217 Bremen Lectureseries: Introduction to Digital Media Frieder Nake, Petra KlusmeyerWinter
Ars Electronica Festival 2019, Bauhaus 100: We are not alone! POSTCITY, Conference Hall, Linz, Austria September 5, 2019, 11am on youtube: 100 Jahre Bauhaus: We
Foto: Somayyeh Shahhoseyni Talk on Cybernetics & Fiction Organizer: 2580 Association, Dana Diminescu, Tincuta Heinzel 24 – 29 of June 2019 As part of the
Art + AI Georg TrogemannFachseminar and workshop in Ramberg, PfalzSummer semester 2019Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Filzengraben 8-10, Experimental Informatics This seminar is especially intended
Fuller considers the self-referentiality of mathematics as a means of understanding ecologies. The main argument of the text is that it is the special properties
Talk at University Witten/Herdecke. Who calculates faster? Algorithms and their social monitoring. The 6th Digital Salon took place at Witten/Herdecke University on November 28, 2018.
Introduction to artificial intelligence programming Georg Trogemann, Christian Heck.Basic seminar Category Material | Sculpture | Code.Winter semester 2018/19, Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Filzengraben 8-10,