Computability October 30, 2017 Talk in the context of the seminar “Introduction to Digital Media” held by Peter von Maydell, Frieder Nake in the Winter
Kategorie: talks & teaching
Cyborgs, simplified Karin Lingnau, Georg Trogemann,Basic seminar material/sculpture/code basic studiesWednesday weekly 11:00-13:00; first date 18.10.2017.Filzengraben 8-10, 0.2 Experimental Computer Science „A cyborg is a cybernetic
Lecture on „Kunst und Algorithmus“ Georg Trogemann examines the „false“ separation of technology and art(-science) at the University of Witten/Herdecke on July 6, 2017. Announcement
Material and algorithmJune 14, 2017 Lecture in the context of the Ph.D. – Teaching Week.Doctoral Program Ph.D. Art and Design / Liberal Arts / Media
art’s birthday bunker party Teachers and students of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) present in collaboration with the team kunstgäste and Kulturbunker Mülheim
Kunst und Algorithmus Talk at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences RDA Germany Meeting 2016Potsdam, November 28-29, 2016 Link to
Talk: Algorithmische Realitäten – Frei- und Spielräume in der digitalen Welt Algorithmic Realities – Free and Playful Spaces in the Digital World Ministry of Family,
Über das Machen 15. June 2016 Lecture at the Kunstverein Kassel as part of the exhibition “The Paradox of Knowing Universals” by Ralf Baecker See
Reading Algorithms. Queer and Transgressive Encounters June 2016 Workshop by Martina Leeker, Orit Halpern, Irina Kaldrack, Lisa ConradUniversity Lüneburg Talk about sorting algorithms Workshop announcementFrom
Creative Dialogue 4: „Command and Idea“ Hermann von Helmholtz Center for Cultural Technology, Berlin. The „Kreativ Dialog 4“ from April 28 to 30, 2016 wants
I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of twenty pounds Project “Bank” Academy of the Fine Arts Münster. Class Suchan KinoshitaProject: Kunst
Code & Material Humboldt University Berlin.Exzellenzcluster: Bild | Wissen | GestaltungLunch Talk26th of January 2016 Self-description of the cluster:Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory Complex
Faith Machines University Münster and Palazzo Ricci, Montepulciano, Italy. Art | Machine | ArtAnnual project of the art and music academies NRW.Pre-Conference on June 13,
Maverick Media – Low End Computing University of Lüneburg.HyperKult XXV – Shutdown.Center for Digital CulturesLecture on July 9, 2015 After 25 years, the traditional conference
The Fabric of Architecture Workshop 25. and of 26. June 2015, University of the Arts Berlin Collaborative workshop of the Berlin University of the Arts
Repertories of (in)discreetness Bucharest, Romania.Repertories of (in)discreetness – an artistic research project18 March – 2 of April 2015 Wednesday, 18 March 2015, 5:30 pmRound
Code and Material Basic Seminar (Grundlagenseminar) in the Category »Material/Skulptur/Code«. This seminar has been held over several years. It always slightly chances its focus and
Lines, Ropes, and Noodles Bauhaus-University in Weimar.Lecture Series bauhausinteraction colloquiumMay 12th 2014, 19.00 h Traditionally materiality has no place in the theory of computation. Only